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3D game engine written in .NET


ChaseEngine is an experimental game engine written in C# using modern .NET platform

It's a hobby project, and it only implements the bare minimum features I need for my next game.

Why did you write a game engine?
  • To see if I can do it
  • I wanted to learn Vulkan
  • It's fun


  • Written in C# in .NET 8
  • Supports Native AOT
  • Based on 100% open-source libraries
  • Multiplatform
    • Windows 10/11 x64
    • MacOS 14 ARM64
    • Linux x64/ARM64
    • Android 13+ ARM64
  • 3D renderer
    • Vulkan 1.2
    • Forward rendering
    • Cascaded shadow mapping
    • Ground-Truth Ambient Occlusion
    • Motion vectors
    • Render graph
    • Post-processing
      • Temporal Anti-Aliasing
      • Motion blur
      • Depth of field
  • Entity component system
    • Archetype based
    • Indexing support
      • Sorted queries
      • Search for specific values
    • Serializable/Deserializable to SQLite databases
  • Physics
    • Powered by BepuPhysics 2
    • Custom vehicle physics based on UDrive
  • 3D audio
  • Avalonia UI integration


Not much to show here yet, but the editor is being worked on.

Last updated on 2024-05-20